Where to buy DL-Malic Acid at better price with good quality?

As a DL-Malic Acid E296 supplier,  we have been working in food additives industry for many years and we met some bad manufacturers, some high-pricing ones, some poor responsibility ones, some often delay delivery ones…You might meet everything if working with some DL-Malic Acid E296 manufacturers. If you would like to buy from China DL-Malic Acid you can buy from us. What we can do for our customers: ① we can directly call the manufacturers and communicate with them efficiency while you might have jet lag. ② free samples are available. ③we can have the purchasing advantage as our month purchasing quantity of DL-Malic Acid E296 is large, we can average our buy cost and can offer our customer a lower and workable price. ④ we would advise customers which period is a good time to buy Natural DL-Malic Acid E296 and update the market situation. ⑤ we can help combine DL-Malic Acid with other food additives into a container and deliver to you.

We focus on the food protein field for years and we changed many unqualified manufacturers and spend much time on selecting good DL-Malic Acid E296 manufacturers. We hope you could feel happy to work with us and we will prove our value in the cooperation.

We’re trading business that provide consolidation service to our customers who see efficiency of replying on our professional service to deal with small but high mix orders.

As a buyer, I guess you may also be interested in the price trend of DL-Malic Acid.

Maybe your buy quantity as follows:

More than 500kg


Less than 10kg


We’re open to talk, we understand various customers have various demand. Please just let us know the specification and quantity of DL-Malic Acid E296 you would like to buy. We’ll check what way would be the better solution for you to buy DL-Malic Acid E296: from us or from our local (in your market) distributors/agents.

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